Exploring New Approaches          for Learning through Partnerships

Roadmap to the talk

The academy is about….

A balancing act

Change: friend or foe?

Pressure to change

Change is not new - rate of change is

Changes in learning to come?

New questions, new audiences

But should  we use technology?

Why not technology?

These are NOT binary choices!

Bottom Line?

Faculty and staff perspectives

Information resources perspective

Information resources staff responsibilities

Faculty Perspective

From where do our teaching habits come?

Faculty responsibility:  quality of learning

Time…too little time

One approach

Partner to share efforts, resources

Traditional relationships

Traditional relationships

Changing relationships

Changing relationships

Changing relationships

Changing relationships

Students need a
 “new information literacy”

Who teaches this                                                  “new information literacy?”

New relationships

New relationships

Partnerships are about….

Partnerships require….

Address “why” before “how”

Kenyon case study
web-based class projects

Characteristics of the web
that facilitate learning

Learning Goals

Web-based class projects

Our challenges....

The Denison-Kenyon Mellon Program

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