Web Information Systems


I've created these pages as a means to stimulate thinking about the broadest possible implications of web technology on campus, because "The Web" is not just about recruiting new students, or keeping up a public image of the institution. Web technologies are evolving and are being adopted rapidly in light of their relatively low cost, accessibility and ease of use. Some offer the promise of transforming long-standing information processes to improve service, collaboration and even learning.

Adopting web technologies

"This Web isn't just "The Web" anymore" is a short essay on the processes involved in engaging profitably with this new medium.

Principles for a campus-wide web initiative

A draft list of principles to spark conversation about how we use web technologies to manage information across all campus boundaries.

Web Information Systems

Some concepts of modern Web Information Systems were presented to the Denison University Information Resources Advisory Board and at the Kenyon College Senior Staff retreat.

Web Scenarios

Several "Web Scenarios" are presented as a way to introduce many of the complex interdependencies we face in web system design and management. One might interpret each scenario in light of his or her own areas of responsibility or concern. All names are fictitious but several of the scenarios are based on real situations encountered at Kenyon in the last two years.

Current Hot Topics

Find here a changing list of "hot topics" about web sites here and anywhere.

References and Links

I will post here other useful links to web information systems as I find them:
The Perfect Host, an article on outsourcing web hosting from March 1, 1999 issue of CIO Web Business.

"Wire Education; academic intranets" by Megan Santosus writing in the October 1, 1998 issue of CIO Web Business. This article details the uses of web information systems at Harvard's Business School.

Freshness and interactivity have become requirements of valued web pages these days. Read about this "new standard" in a recent publication from the ACM. "Interactivity - the Web's New Standard."

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