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FirstSearch Catalog

FirstSearch is an electronic information service offering access to over 40 bibliographic and full-text databases. Bibliographic references are available for books, videocassettes, musical scores, manuscripts, archives, journal and magazine articles, and other sources. Full-text databases include an encyclopedia; facts and statistics; and directory information, such as addresses and telephone numbers for companies and organizations. FirstSearch offers menu-driven access, allowing users to conduct in-depth subject searching, compile comprehensive bibliographies, and locate hard-to-find materials.

Frequently Used Databases


A national bibliography of over 30 million records, WorldCat indexes the holdings of over 15,000 libraries worldwide, including the Library of Congress. These holdings include out-of-print and in-print books, journal titles, audiovisual media, sound recordings, and manuscripts. Records may be searched by author, title, subject, or keyword. Results may be limited by language, document type, and year. A listing of libraries which hold the item is also included.


ArticleFirst indexes articles appearing in over 12,500 journals in the sciences, medicine, technology, the humanities, social sciences, and popular culture. Coverage is from 1990 to present and is updated daily. Abstracts are available for selected records.

To Arrange To Use FirstSearch

FirstSearch is available at a dedicated station in the Library Information Center, or via the Library Menu on the VAX, to an unlimited number of simultaneous users.

Log in to the Library Menu on the VAX by typing C LIBRARY at the local prompt.

FirstSearch is unavailable from 2 am - 3 am, Monday - Saturday and from 2 am - 6 am Sunday for system maintenance.

Further Information

Information about the FirstSearch Catalog and descriptions of the individual databases are available at the Library Information Desk.

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