ENVS 61 Discussion lists

ENVS61 - the discussion list for this course; participation is a course requirement. The only subscribers are students registered in this class and the instructor. E-mail sent to this list goes only to the subscribers (us), but anyone can post mail to the list. This enables anyone on or off our campuses to comment on our work by sending us all a message. This listserver runs at Kenyon.

The following lists are related to some of the marine topics that have been discussed in the class in prior years. Other listservers may be more relevant depending on the final theme selected by the class for the fall semester, 1999.

ENVST-L - a reportedly large list that may generate as many as 50 messages a day, covering all issues of environmental studies. Run at Brown University.

SHELLFISH - about 500 researchers, regulators, students interested in clam, oyster, shrimp, lobster resources; aquaculture, management, basic biology. Run at Kenyon.

AQUA-L - several hundred researchers, commercial aquaculturists, and some governmental folks focused on all phases of aquaculture: freshwater, brackish water, marine, and both plants and animals. Run at the University of Prince Edward Island, Canada.

FISHFOLK - many prominent fisheries sociologists on this list - focused on social aspects of fishing, worldwide. Run out of MIT by the Fisheries Social Science Network.

FISH-SCI - fisheries science discussion list, formed by merging several older lists. Similar to FISHFOLK but focused on the natural, rather than social, science of fisheries. Run out of Sweden.

To subscribe to: Send this one line message: To this address:
ENVS61 SUBSCRIBE envs61-request@kenyon.edu
ENVST-L SUBSCRIBE ENVST-L listserv@brownvm.brown.edu
SHELLFISH SUBSCRIBE shellfish-request@kenyon.edu
AQUA-L SUBSCRIBE AQUA-L majordomo@listserv.ifmt.nf.ca
FISHFOLK SUBSCRIBE FISHFOLK yourname listserv@mitvma.mit.edu
FISH-SCI SUBSCRIBE FISH-SCI listserv@segate.sunet.se

To signoff of: Send this one line message: To this address:
ENVS61 SIGNOFF envs61-request@kenyon.edu
ENVST-L SIGNOFF ENVST-L listserv@brownvm.brown.edu
SHELLFISH SIGNOFF shellfish-request@kenyon.edu
AQUA-L SIGNOFF AQUA-L majordomo@listserv.ifmt.nf.ca
FISHFOLK SIGNOFF FISHFOLK yourname listserv@mitvma.mit.edu
FISH-SCI SIGNOFF FISH-SCI listserv@segate.sunet.se

Course outline

Grading and requirements


Readings and resources

Discussion lists

Collaborative projects by previous classes: 1995, 1996 and 1998

Prior exam and discussion questions