Readings and Resources

Electronic course reserves for ENVS 61, Fall 1999

Note that these are password protected and made available only to students enrolled in this course.

Editing and Linking web pages

To edit .html files

Run WordPad or NotePad (in the Accessories menu)
Click on FILE then OPEN then browse to the following location
p:\class\envs\envs61\marked up papers
o r
p:\class\envs\envs61\web site
C lick into the box titled “Files of Type” which probably is looking for files of the type “Word for Windows 6.0 (*.doc)”
Change this to *.html or select “All files (*.*)” and press enter
Select the file you want to edit; double click on it, or select and click on OPEN
If the file you want isn’t in the list, it probably is named something else, or it has been saved with a file extension other than .html
Then edit the document.........

To create a link from one word to another file, follow the following syntax

To link “societal needs” to a paper named gsid03.html
...these important <a href=”gsid03.html”>societal needs</a> are being met....

To create a link from one word to a web site on the Internet, follow the following syntax

To link “proponents of genetic manipulation” to the site
...could not find any <a href=””>proponents of genetic manipulation</a> at the meeting of the board members....

When you are finished editing and linking, save the document in text format. Click on FILE then SAVE (or SAVE AS if you want to create a new version of the document, preserving the original).

Make sure that the “Save as Type” field says “Text Document” when you save your documents in the /web directory. You cannot use Word or WordPerfect file formats on web pages.

If you are “saving as...”, name the file as you wish, with the .html extension, such as gsid03.html Click on SAVE to save the document.

If you clicked on “save” and the file already existed, it will be saved without any further dialogue.

If it is linked into the web project, your changes will automatically take place.

To see the updated web site, use your browser to open the file

p:\class\envs\envs61\web site\index.html

To add an image to your web page

First, make sure you have permission to use the image!

Then prepare the image:

Using a program such as Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro, open up the image file. Image files are usuallly scanned in or come from a digital camera. They have a specific format, such as .TIF or .GIF or .JPG You need to make sure the image is in the right format for the web (.GIF or .JPG) and the right size. The images should normally be no larger (width or height) than 200-300 pixels. If your image is bigger, use the program's "RESIZE IMAGE" option to shrink it down, or "CROP" it to cut out part of it. Make a note of the final size in pixels of the image (e.g., 150 pixels wide X 200 pixels high). Save the file in either .GIF or .JPG format.
Select the web page file (.html) and open it as outlined above.
To place the image into the web page, type in a reference to the image using the following syntax:
<img src="name of file.jpg" width=xxx height=yyy>
where xxx is the width in pixels and yyy is the height in pixels. The file extension must correspond to the format type of the image (.GIF or .JPG) and the image file in this example must be in the same directory as the web page itself.

You can also insert other options such as align="right" into the code so that the image is aligned to the right side of the web page, for example.

This is not by any means an exhaustive set of instructions for editing an image into a web page. There are plenty other references about web editing on the Internet if you search for them.

Science librarian Jennie Duvernay created a course guide for last year's web project. Please visit the ENVS 61 resource guide for more information about some of the online indices that will be useful in this year's course as well.

Web site on the "Arctic Circle" - a model for what we would like to achieve in this class.

Some background reading and primary literature

Most of these materials are available through the CONSORT catalog.

Bhagwati, J., 1993. The Case for Free Trade. Scientific American. Nov. 1993. 42-49. (See also Daly).

Daly, H. E. , 1993. The Perils of Free Trade. Scientific American. Nov. 1993. 50-57. (See also Bhagwati).

Hardin, Garret, 1968. The Tragedy of the Commons. Science 162:1243-8.

Hardin, Garret. 1993. Living Within Limits. Oxford University Press, N.Y.

Employment opportunities in environmental science

Course outline

Grading and requirements


Readings and resources

Discussion lists

Collaborative projects by previous classes: 1995, 1996 and 1998

Prior exam and discussion questions